© Anna Pixner
Treetop – Branches
Social Order
- Societies in Balance. Film Documentary of the 1st World Congress on Matriarchal Studies (Production UR-KUL-TUR, Frankfurt/Germany 2003)
- Societies of Peace. Selected Papers of the 2nd World Congress on Matriarchal Studies (ed.) (Inanna Publications and
Educations Inc., Toronto/Kanada 2009) Included in all books and papers
- Incuded in all books and papers
Matriarchal Politics
- The Way into an Egalitarian Society (Broschure, Edition Hagia, Winzer/Germany 2007)
- Matriarchal Manifesta
Matriarchal Mythology
- The Goddess and Her Heros. Matriarchal Religion in Myths, Fairy Tales, and Literature (Anthony Publishing Company, Stow/USA 1995)
- The Dancing Goddess. Prinziples of a Matriarchal Aesthetics (Beacon Press, Boston/USA 1991)
- Matriarchal Medicine (Papers by Cécile Keller)
- Matriarchal Mystery Festivals (spiritual creations, since 1983) (Film documentary, Production UR-KUL-TUR, Frankfurt/Germany)
Tree Trunk
- Matriarchal Societies. Studies on Indigenous Cultures across the Globe (Peter Lang, New York 2012)
Cultural History
- Matriarchal Societies of the Past and the Rise of Patriarchy: West-Asia and Europe (Peter Lang, New York 2022)
- Development of the Definition
- Interdisciplinarity
- Criticism of Patriarchy
Breeding Ground
Philopsophy and Movements Critical of Patriarchy
Heide Goettner-Abendroth: Creating Modern Matriarchal Studies. A Life’s Work (Film documentary)