Intensive Study Courses

The Intensive Study Course is led by Heide Goettner-Abendroth.


9th Intensive Study Course, in English (online) 2026 - 2027

The aim of the Intensive Study Courses of the Academy HAGIA is to promote a deep and detailed understanding of matriarchal societies past and present, and to provide the full range of topics included within modern Matriarchal Studies (see below). It is a high-level course in this field, based on scholarly work.

Once participants have completed an Intensive Study Course successfully, they are entitled to work as a “Lecturer on modern Matriarchal Studies” (Certificate).


The Intensive Study Courses at the Academy HAGIA run for two years, with six teaching modules every year. Every two months a teaching module takes place, each one from Saturday, all day (from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.) to Sunday, half a day (from 10 a.m. until noon). Coffee breaks and lunch break are included. 


This Intensive Study Course is the 9th to be organized and taught at the Academy HAGIA. It will begin in January 2025, and the application and enrolment procedures will take place during 2024.

It includes six teaching modules in 2026 and the following six teaching modules in 2027; one finalizing module will take place in 2028.


The deadline for application is November 30, 2025.

Bookings can only be accepted for the entire Intensive Study Course; it is not possible to book single teaching modules.


The fee for each teaching module is 190 Euros. 



These fields of knowledge are covered by the Intensive Study Course:

  • Contemporary matriarchal societies worldwide
  • Matriarchal societies in the past (West Asia and Europe)
  • Matriarchal mythology
  • Matriarchal symbolism and art
  • Matriarchal medicine
  • History of matriarchal cultures and the rise of patriarchy
  • The vision of a new matriarchal society and matriarchal politics today
  • Exercises in how to defend modern Matriarchal Studies (training in good reasoning)


The Intensive Study Course is guided by Dr. Heide Goettner-Abendroth.

The field of Matriarchal Medicine is taught by Cécile Keller (physician).


The fees are:

each teaching module = € 190 

13 teaching module = 2,470 Euros 




Detailed program:  If you are seriously interested, please ask for the detailed program of the 7th Intensive Study Course, providing your email address and full postal address.


9th Intensive Study Course, online, in English (2026-2027) (open for applications)

8th Intensive Study Course, online, in German (2024-2025) (closed)

7th Intensive Study Course, online, in English (2022-2023) (closed)

6th Intensive Study Course, online 2020 - 2021 (finished)

5th Intensive Study Course 2018 - 2020 (finished)

4th Intensive Study Course 2014 - 2016 (finished)

3rd Intensive Study Course 2010 – 2012 (finished)

2nd Intensive Study Course 2007 – 2009 (finished)

1st Intensive Study Course 2004 – 2006 (finished)