Photo Exhibition of the
Matriarchal Mystery Festivals at the Academy HAGIA
In the matriarchal cultures worldwide, the Great Goddess was worshipped as the creatrix of the universe and the mother of all living beings.
In the new Matriarchal Mystery Festivals which have been created and celebrated over more than two decades at the International Academy HAGIA, these traditions which venerate the cycles of life are being renewed. The festivals are based on matriarchal cultures past and present on all continents.
From this spiritual work originated a photo exhibition and a film (“Celebrating the Year of the Earth”, see: Books and Films). They document one seasonal cycle as a part of two decades of spiritual work and try to give a feeling of its atmosphere.
The photo exhibition was created by Siegrun Claaßen, artist and photo artist from North Germany.
The photo exhibition was and is to be seen:
- 2003 at the First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies in Luxembourg
- 2005 at the Second World Congress on Matriarchal Studies in Texas / U.S.
- 2006 at the Women’s Museum, Bonn
- 2006 at the Town Hall and at the Women’s Center, Dresden
- continuously during the Intensive Study Courses at Academy HAGIA