Study Trips

The educational and exploratory study trips of the International Academy HAGIA are dedicated to discover traces of matriarchal societies at the places where these cultures once flourished.


In that way, women are guided to find the “roots” of matriarchal cultures everywhere:

  • on different continents all over the world,
  • internationally in many European countries,
  • locally in our own homelands.


Each study trip takes place only once.

The trips are organized not annually, but from time to time.


The study trips are guided by Heide Goettner-Abendroth.



The most important study trips of Academy HAGIA have been:

1987  Ireland 1999  Brittany / France
1987  Malta. Crete. Chios 2000  Sardinia /Italy
1988  Iceland 2001  The Dolomites / Italy
1989  Syria / West Asia 2003  Study trip of 4 Alpine countries
1990  Egypt / North Africa 2009  The Region of Berchtesgaden / Germany
1991  South England 2013  Dreisamtal, Black Forest / Germany
1993  South China / East Asia 2014  Neolithic trading ways from Bavaria to     
          (Exploratory trip to the Mosuo people) Bohemia
1994   Pyrenees / France 2016  Region of Fanes  in the Dolomites
1997  Scotland 2017  The Island of Ruegen
1998  Mexico. Arizona und New Mexico / USA 2018  The Peaks of the Bohemian Forest